
5th October 2023

Multicultural wedding in Bojnice

My wife and I had been trying to plan our wedding in Bojnice for some time. We wanted something intimate, yet classy. Something our families and friends would enjoy with us and be memorable and everlasting in their memories, since we had guests coming from different corners of the world. As our good luck would have it, we came across Impuls and Tatiana.
With Tatiana who took care of absolutely everything from A to Z, we got our intimate, classy fairytale wedding. From our first meeting, we knew we found the right fit for us in Tatiana and Impuls as our wedding planners. When we say that Tatiana took care of everything, we mean exactly everything. From the best photographer to the catering to the lodging and amusements for the guests. Everything was taken care of, all we had to do was ask for it.
Her professionalism and knowledge in her particular field kept us at ease of knowing that we were taken care of by her. Her attention to detail and most importantly her sincerity to her job made us trust her wholeheartedly.
We would like to thank Impuls and mainly Tatiana for making our fairytale wedding come true.
The wedding is over, but we still smile from ear to ear thinking about our day that this agency made possible.

Adriana & Kaizad ( Dubai)

(Preložené Googlom)

S manželkou sme sa už nejaký čas snažili naplánovať svadbu v Bojniciach. Chceli sme niečo intímne, no zároveň elegantné. Niečo, čo by si naše rodiny a priatelia s nami užili a zostalo to nezabudnuteľné a trvalé v spomienkach, keďže sme mali hostí z rôznych kútov sveta. Ako šťastie, narazili sme na Impulsa a Tatianu.
S Tatianou, ktorá sa postarala úplne o všetko od A po Z, sme mali našu intímnu, noblesnú rozprávkovú svadbu. Od nášho prvého stretnutia sme vedeli, že v Tatiane a Impulse ako našich svadobných plánovačoch sme našli to pravé. Keď hovoríme, že Tatiana sa o všetko postarala, myslíme presne všetko. Od najlepšieho fotografa cez catering až po ubytovanie a zábavu pre hostí. O všetko bolo postarané, stačilo len požiadať.
Jej profesionalita a znalosti v jej konkrétnej oblasti nám umožnili vedieť, že je o nás postarané. Jej zmysel pre detail a hlavne jej úprimnosť k práci nás prinútili dôverovať jej z celého srdca.
Ďakujeme Impulsovi a hlavne Tatiane za uskutočnenie našej rozprávkovej svadby.
Svadba je za nami, no my sa stále usmievame od ucha k uchu pri pomyslení na náš deň, ktorý táto agentúra umožnila.